making moves


This may be news to some—I, with the much appreciated help of friends and family, am working on a new (larger) studio space for sew goony to expand into. As my business grows, the available area in my home office (a room I previously used to teach online courses) shrinks.

My studio vision has been coming together since March of this year. I'm excited to share there is an end in sight! The next steps include finishing the paint job, picking out and installing flooring and doors, and trimming… everything.

I’ve been most enjoying and looking forward to the designing aspect of this project. As a little girl, who watched a lot of HGTV with her Nana, I’ve always loved interior design. I chose a beautiful pale butter cream for all of the walls but one— and have BIG plans for the final wall, a stenciled “wallpaper” look! That’s the only information I’m going to reveal about the “wallpaper wall"—stay tuned.

I’m really looking forward to having more space to stretch out! I feel as though my creativity is sometimes hindered in my current office-turned-studio. I know having more room to organize and store my supplies will be such a game changer! I can’t wait to show you all my finished space!

I have plans for my studio in the future that involve YOU, my lovely and supportive community. Stay tuned for that, too ;)

Keep scrolling for progress pics...

at first, a dream and an emptied space...
insulation...was... not my favorite
why? example a: me, shaking in my boots on a 12ft ladder
after insulation came sheetrock! (sheetrock is really fucking heavy) 
my shoulders hurt just looking at this... but painting, with good company, was so fun.
currently: waiting on "wallpaper wall"...
watch out!! :)
 k bye!
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